Drowning is the leading cause of preventable morbidity and mortality among young children in the U.S., California, and Orange County. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), in California, drowning is the leading cause of injury death among 1-4-year-olds and the second-leading cause of injury death among 5-9-year-olds. (Centers for Disease Control) WISQARS™ — Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System.
UC Irvine, Center for Trauma and Injury Prevention Research is a key partner in the American Academy of Pediatrics- Orange County, Partners for Childhood Drowning Prevention.

We created a broad, multi-sectoral partnership of pediatric health care, social service, and education professionals; community-based organizations; public and academic institutions; parents; and policy advocates.
Partners for Childhood Drowning Prevention has two linked components: 1) Prevention of Drowning: Professional and Community Awareness Education and Engagement; and 2) Foundations for Childhood Drowning Surveillance 2023.
Water Safety for Families
This infographic is designed for health care professionals, child providers and parents. The critical interventions to prevent drowning are presented.
This can be downloaded, posted in our emergency department, clinics and provided to families as part of counseling and used in presentations.
(Insert the infographic in Spanish and English)
Research Studies
Add the NCE abstract presented Oct 2023
And the Partners Report- can link
- AAP Policy Statement and Technical Report